Key Players Depart St Mirren as Contracts Expire

St Mirren is undergoing significant changes this summer with the departure of several key players as their contracts come to an end. Among those leaving are Ryan Strain, Charles Dunne, Keanu Baccus, and Alex Grieve, marking the end of their tenures with the Paisley club.

Charles Dunne, a veteran midfielder, joined St Mirren in June 2021. Over his three-year stint, he made 91 appearances and scored one goal. Dunne initially planned to leave last summer but decided to stay on for an additional year. His departure now marks the end of an era for the 31-year-old at the Buddies.

Ryan Strain, who arrived in June 2022 from Israeli side Maccabi Haifa, has also concluded his time with the club. The 27-year-old made a notable impact with 64 appearances and five goals. Strain’s contributions were significant during his tenure, but he now moves on as St Mirren reshuffles its squad.

Keanu Baccus, who joined from Western Sydney Wanderers in July 2022, made history by becoming the first St Mirren player to participate in a World Cup, representing Australia in Qatar in 2022. Baccus leaves for Mansfield Town after making 72 appearances and scoring four goals for the Buddies.

New Zealand striker Alex Grieve, another key player, is also leaving. He joined St Mirren in January 2022 from Birkenhead United and went on to make 76 appearances, scoring nine goals. Grieve spent the last few months on loan at Dundee United and will not be returning to Paisley.

Loan players Jaden Brown, Zach Hemming, and Hyeokkyu Kwon will be returning to their parent clubs, leaving further gaps in the squad that St Mirren will need to address.

In a statement, the club expressed its gratitude: “We bid farewell to Keanu Baccus, Charles Dunne, Alex Grieve, and Ryan Strain as their contracts expire. All four players have made significant contributions, and we extend our sincere thanks for their efforts during their time at St Mirren. We wish them the best in their future careers.”

As St Mirren looks ahead, these departures signify a period of transition. The club will need to make strategic signings and adjustments to fill the void left by these experienced players. The coming transfer window will be crucial as they aim to build a competitive squad for the upcoming season.

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